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Wellness & Preventative Care

At Hollywood Hills Animal Hospital, our veterinarians provide preventative care services such as wellness exams, intestinal parasite evaluations, and other lab work. The key to your pet’s health is not only providing the care necessary to prevent them from getting sick, but helping our clients understand the needs of their pet and the best way to keep them healthy, active and happy.

Whether a new puppy or kitten, a recently adopted pet, or an older furry family member, you can count on us to prevent problems before they arise by offering comprehensive physical examinations and by providing practical recommendations for maintaining your pet’s health. Preventative pet health services include check-ups, maintaining important vaccinations, flea, tick, and heartworm prevention.

Wellness Care Recommendations for Dogs

The goals of our canine wellness plan are to ensure good health and a high quality of life from puppyhood to the golden years. To do so, our veterinarians recommend regular physical examinations, routine diagnostic testing, parasite prevention, and dental cleanings.

Wellness Care Recommendations for Cats

The goals of our feline wellness plan are to ensure good health and a high quality of life from kittenhood to the golden years. To do so, our veterinarians recommend regular physical examinations, routine diagnostic testing, parasite prevention, and dental cleanings.

Pet Vaccinations

Pets are susceptible to a wide variety of diseases, most of which are preventable with vaccinations. At Hollywood Hill Animal Hospital we make sure your dog or cat stays on a regular vaccine schedule so you can be confident your pet is healthy and protected.